It sold for $2.95 and later for as much as $5. It became very popular and sold in the millions, A little curious was that more colours were added to the line. Thus the Big Red can be found in red, white, light blue, dark blue, brown, yellow, black, orange and green and two-tone Big Reds. There was even a version in the design of the American flag.
In 1977 a Big red in silver filigree was released as a test market item in two different designs, Leafs and Flowers. It came either in a black box with a satin red inside or in an elaborate black box with a distinct silver pattern. It was not referred to as a "Big red" but only "Parker Filigree".
ost pens sported clips but a rig top version, aimed for the female market, was also offered. By 1980 more than 27 million Big Reds had been sold. It was phased out in 1981 after an incredible eleven year stint.